¡@ ¡@ Hello to you all.
¡@ ¡@ In order to save your time, we try our best to reduce what we wish to orally express to the shortest. Should you wish to obtain more information about Jin-Gang-Dhyana, please refer to our pamphlets and booklets available in the exhibition hall. Within these publications, you can also find the address of our web site on the Internet.
¡@ ¡@ Firstly, let us introduce what Jin-Gang-Dhyana is?
¡@ ¡@ What kind of religion is Jin-Gang-Dhyana?
¡@ ¡@ Why is it that the great majority of you have never heard of Jin-Gang-Dhyana?
¡@ ¡@ You have never heard of Jin-Gang-Dhyana, that is the way it should be. As the Buddhist Chinese Esoteric Lineage Jin-Gang-Dhyana appeared to have vanished from Earth for over a thousand years.
¡@ ¡@ In fact, Chinese Esoteric Buddhism has never vanished on Earth or within this Universe. Only that its transmission has never been disclosed in the recent thousand years. There were historical reasons for not making ourselves known to the public.
¡@ ¡@ At present, the conditions for disclosing this highest spiritual level of Buddhism are ready. Therefore, Chinese Esoteric Buddhist practitioners like us, who have never let people know of our practice and have been practising within our own homes, now publicly put on the robes which were also worn by our comrades within imperial courts of the Tang Dynasty of China more than a thousand years ago. We now begin to let others know of our existence and how Jin-Gang-Dhyana can help mankind to resolve important issues which have all along been recognized as problems having no solution at all.
¡@ ¡@ These important issues include real and transient distresses, examples are ill fate and incurable diseases like cancers. These important issues also include eternal and long term sufferings, including the determination of the quality of our eternal lives: whether our future eternal lives are good or not.
¡@ ¡@ We all have to face this eternal life, which is mentioned by all religions and being generally felt as seemingly unreachable. The issue is: Should this eternal life be known or understood only after death? Or, whether we can personally and tangibly experience and realize it within the current life?
¡@ ¡@ At this point, we must earnestly declare, we respect all religions of the world.
¡@ ¡@ It is like when we walk into the market, among fruits, we see apples, there are red ones, green ones, golden ones etc. Different people are interested in apples of different colour. The metaphor is that although we like red apples, we would not criticize those who like green or golden ones. The most we do is to share the experience and pleasure we derive from eating red apples. We would still respect people who prefer to eat apples of other colours. We would absolutely not hold any criticizing or attacking attitude towards people of interests different from ours. We must respect other people's inclination.
¡@ ¡@ In the same way, we respect all people believing in different religions.
¡@ ¡@ While we present here what we have personally experienced, a method which is able to solve the important issues which have been deemed to have no solutions at all, although we are bound to be very eager to publicize it for the benefit of all mankind, we cannot forget lessons recorded in history. When some scientists who were ahead of their time, advocated some revolutionary theories which had never been brought up before, what kind of treatment did they receive? To mention an example, when most people were believing that the Earth was flat, there came a man who advocated that the Earth was spherical. What kind of treatment did he receive?
¡@ ¡@ When we say that Chinese Esoteric Buddhist Jin-Gang-Dhyana Dharma can solve important issues which have not been resolved by mankind, we need to supplement that in fact, some conditions are necessary. Otherwise, people can easily ask: if Jin-Gang-Dhyana can cure cancer, then why don't you build a Jin-Gang-Dhyana hospital specializing in treating cancer, where you can demonstrate to the world that you can cure all forms of cancer, with such facts, then it will be beyond doubt?
¡@ ¡@ We can only provide an explanation we hope everyone can understand and accept. That is, whether Jin-Gang-Dhyana Dharma is effective to a person depends on specific cause and conditions. That is one of the reasons why Jin-Gang-Dhyana is a religion.
¡@ ¡@ What we can say is, those who have acquired the help of Jin-Gang-Dhyana to resolve the above mentioned important problems have well exceeded three million on Earth. They include those originally and currently believers of various religions, as whoever trying out Jin-Gang-Dhyana Dharma do not have to abandon their original religious faith. However, they all have to follow what Jin-Gang-Dhyana students have been following in the past thousand years - keep undisclosed. Because, we have learned from our historical lessons that only by keeping undisclosed can we ensure continuous transmission of this finest achievement of human civilization to benefit mankind.
¡@ ¡@ That is one of the reasons for the presence of the word 'Esoteric' within the term we use to identify ourselves: Chinese Esoteric Buddhism.
¡@ ¡@ We have to apologize that the Root teacher of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, Esoterically-Esoteric, Jin-Gang-Dhyana Patriarch Master WANG Xin-De cannot personally attend this Parliament session because He is occupied. We are going to read out His greetings as follows:-