I will take that as a challenge that I won't take up today. My musical talent is not that great on the drum. I used to play the flute, so I don't think it's a very close second to the drum.

Can I first acknowledge all honour guests, and particularly to those that travel from afar, interstate and of cause overseas. It's wonderful to have some overseas guests here, particularly from China.

Can I also send the apology from our Premier, The Honourable Will Hodgman MP, he is in interstate today, he is actually with the Prime Minister. I note from Master Wang's address that both have send their apologies and wish you every success for your sixth academic symposium.

I think this is about the 5th one I have attended, I have lost count, and Tony is quite correct that I come here quite frequently. I do that not only because of my role as a public representative, but I also love attending these events, particularly after fairly [torrent] week in Parliament. It's very nice to come in such a calming environment where we can all share the day together, and share some of our culture believes and also acknowledge the diverse beliefs that we have in our community.

And this is something that I think that Master Wang and your Buddhist community bring to Tasmania.

I was actually with my husband at Mofo at Princes Wharf No. 1 Shed, I think that was last week, time flies, and I saw Master Wang and a few of his followers, and they spotted me, and of cause came over. It's wonderful to see, even when that is not an official function, that Master Wang and your community are out in the community, just sharing in what was a wonderful event in Hobart - celebrating the winter solstice.

And I know that Master Wang support a number of other different events and community groups, I know that we have representative here today, I was talking to Jack Johnson earlier and you also support the football federation in a number of ways, I know that they are getting into many multicultural soccer events as well.

So in closing I just again want to thank you and appreciate what you do for our community and that you are very much a part of the Tasmanian community, and we as a government of cause fully support your involvement in those events and [hope it will continue].

Thank you to having me here today as well.


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