金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
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与 全 世 界 金 刚 兄 弟 姐 妹 分 享 新 春 之 喜

皈 依   智 及 维 摩 诘   阿 达 尔 嘛 佛   宗 师


Dear Si Fu,

    Kim Hong would like you always have a good health. May the light of Buddha be with you always. I hope that the new year season will bring lots of happiness to our sangha brothers and sisters.

    I currently engaged in the Aged Care Community Services Program, sponsored by the State Government. The training program would allow me to involve in the health industry, especially Aged Care, terminal illness people. I 'm attending class 3 days and practicing in the Nursing Home facility 2 days/week.

    Last week was my first practicing session. I was placed in the very 'high care' department. Most of the patients are lost their mobilities and understanding, etc. My 1st night shift was a bit heavy, I was assisted with a dying patient and calmly assisted him passed in peace. He had no families or friends (very lonely and was there more than 6 years). I chanted 'Om Mani Padme Hum' and wish him go to the higher place.

    Dear Master, I tried to ring you lots of time but failed to connect with you. May this note will reach you soon as I really need your emotion support. My sincere thanks to you always. May this message would connect me to your enlighted energy, which assists me continue in my path of helping the others.
