金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
庆 祝 佛 圣 诞
( 佛 历 二 五 四 九 年 ) 公 元 二 零 零 五 年

贵 宾 致 辞 选 登

Dr. Sonam Thakchoe
Department of Philosophy, University of Tasmania


    Good morning everyone.

    Thank you very much for having me here, Master Wang. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution made by Master Wang and His institution for the school of philosophy of the University of Tasmania, and also the exchange programme that we have with the university in India.

    Without His support, probably continue programme with the one of the university in India we have will suffer greatly, and because of Master Wang's support, continuous support, it has been going ever since. It has been going for seven years now, and still going very successfully.

    So thank you very much!

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