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庆 祝 佛 圣 诞
( 佛 历 二 五 四 九 年 ) 公 元 二 零 零 五 年

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Mr. Gary Kane
representing the State Director
Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.


Master Wang, Elder Gurus and followers of Buddhism:

    It's a pleasure to be here today, representing the Department.

    And certainly one of the cornerstones of the Department policies is multicultural diversity, and what a wonderful example here this morning.

    Three or four weeks ago, we hosted Harmony Day celebrations in the Botanical Garden in Hobart, which was a wonderful event. Today this morning it reminds me this is a living example of harmony operating in the community itself.

    On the behalf of the department, again thank you Master Wang for the invitation to be here, on behalf of our state director, it's really a great pleasure to be a part of the celebration this morning. And I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Thank you!

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