金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
庆 祝 佛 圣 诞
( 佛 历 二 五 四 九 年 ) 公 元 二 零 零 五 年

贵 宾 致 辞 选 登

Craig Waterhouse 督 察
representing Commissioner of Police, Tasmania Police


Master Wang,

    Thank you very much again for inviting me here along today; and invited guests, I have been invited here along now for a number of years, and of course I represent the Commissioner of Police.

    And as today's invited guests are aware, Master Wang is very, very supportive of Crime Stoppers Tasmania, and has done so for a number of years. Without His support, Crime Stoppers will not be what it is today, that is making our community to be a safer place to live.

    On a personal note, I certainly have numerous dealings with Master Wang and His community here in Hobart, and that we say it's been terrific and wonderful to share those moments we have the last two or more months. So I thank you for that opportunity!

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