議員Heather Chong 女士


特刊(七)﹒佛年曆2568浴佛聖典法會 |
議員Heather Chong 女士代表克拉倫斯市議會致辭


議員Heather Chong 女士代表克拉倫斯市議會致辭











Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony Dharma Meeting Buddhist Calendar 2568 -
Speech by Councillor Ms Heather Chong representing Clarence City Council

【Audience applaud enthusiastically】

Thank you! And apologies from the Mayor who is unable to be here, and the Deputy Mayor who is sick this morning, so I am a late minute standing.

【Audience laughs; Audience applaud enthusiastically】

My late mother in-law was a Buddhist. Not sure she always followed the teachings.(Audience laughs)She was my mother-in-law after all. But I always found it fascinating the stories she would tell me, and the teachings that she would try and pass on to her very white family. And as a foreigner I guess in the marriage, and in the relationship, I was always fascinated by how it taught her how to do things on a day-to-day basis, what meaning it brought to her everyday life.

I grew up an Anglican, it』s kind of one of those things you can do at Christmas and Easter. So I find the distinction between Buddhism and the way it makes you think about how you live everyday really different to how I was brought up otherwise.

So, a great honour to be here today, I have been to several of these, and it is always beautiful and affirming activity to be here. And I do thank the Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy for inviting me to be here to join with you today. And I wish you all a very auspicious year!

【Audience applaud enthusiastically】




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