Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy
Holy Inauguration

Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy
Holy Inauguration
28th July 2009


Speech by The Honourable Duncan Kerr MP

Speech by The Honourable Duncan Kerr MP
At the Holy Opening Ceremony of the
Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy
28th July, 2009
At the Asraya Palace of Jin-Gang-Dhyana Institute

Master Wang,

Thank you so much for your kind words.

It is a delight to be present here today. And when I arrived, I sat next to Scott Bacon - the son of the late Jim Bacon, and it was in a sense a making or closure of a circle, because he and I met with Master Wang very early on, about nine years ago, I think, Master Wang, when your proposal to establish this Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy was first proposed.

And so, being able to be present with Scott Bacon today, and with so many other dignitaries, we have the confidence of support of their community, and Master Wang, you express it in return, [through] the endeavours that you are making to the city of Glenorchy, the city of Hobart, the representatives of councils, the academics who have graced us with their presence, the police with whom you work so well, and the many devotees that are part of this community that have made Tasmania and Hobart their home.

To come together and see this day come is I think an extraordinary thing.

And I suppose all of us really should try to make everyday an extraordinary day. Every day we should wake with pleasure to be alive and to be part of that great experience of making a contribution to our society. But sadly, so many days of our lives passed where we have just gone through that day without too much reflection.

So being here today allows us a little moment of reflection to realise the hard work of many people does sometimes come together with an achievement. And I thank you Aunty, for your kind remarks, by way of welcome, and the [Pollawa] people, because it is something we also forget - that we do stand on the land of people who were dispossessed very largely by European arrival.

But somehow, we have made this great community come together, a community that involves the decendents of those original indigenous people, those who settled early on, sons and daughters of convicts and sons and daughters of those who supervised the convicts, and then later, this [immigrant influx] that makes our multicultural state with all its diversities, all its excitements, its religious tolerance, its freedoms, and its extraordinary way of life that we now can share together.

So I am delighted to be present with you today, Master Wang. I am so very pleased with your kind welcome and I wish you and all that are associated with your order every great success with this Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy.

Thank you.


Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy
Holy Inauguration
28th July 2009
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