金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
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与 全 世 界 金 刚 兄 弟 姐 妹 分 享 新 春 之 喜

饶 益 众 生

Dearest Our Bhagavan The Great Holy Zhi Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master Wang Xin De

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for The Coming Year.

We wish to develop the communication with Bhagavan The Great Holy Zhi Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master and extends the Positive from Bhagavan Master to all sentient Beings.

And hope for the Holy condition for each sentient beings.

Lots and lots of love,
Jin Gang Ji Zhi and Jin Gang Miao Ya, Kow Tow

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