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2 0 0 41 215 日 第 二 版



    After reading the anti Christmas parade letters to you in last week's Advertiser I have to say, I raised eyebrows at the comments made.

    Firstly I would like to praise the Christmas Parade committee on the fantastic job they did in providing a great day's entertainment. In what I can easily say was the best parade day yet, we saw entertainment from all areas of our community. Talents were on display from, our own choir, out children with fantastic voice and dance, superb floats that displayed many hours of work, the wood chopping, to the ones that dared to enter the pie eating contest and lots more.

    We had the pleasure of others joining our community in our day of celebration and entertainment. Among these special visitors to the area, a quartet of dancers from Sheffield, the Caledonian Pipe Band, the Chinese dragon which vowed the crowd and bought a smile on the faces of the young and old alike. A wonderful and educational ceremony given by the Buddhist monks showing us their culture. What a fantastic display of our community united, bring us together, if not just to recognize the message of Christmas but the peace and harmony out community has to offer and is so fortunate to have.

    I respect the meaning of Christmas but why change the name of our parade? It is Christmas time, retail stores use the slogan Christmas sale but this doesn't mean it has a Christmas theme. Similarly a Christmas party. It is time for giving and sharing with others. A time when the meaning of Christmas may have a different meaning of each of us.

    At least we can join together and share the day, whether it be for religious reasons or just to be out enjoying what a great part of the world we live in and how lucky we are.

    Maybe the practitioners of the Christian faith (as referred to in the letter to the editor last week) don't need to be invited to bless our Christmas parade. Perhaps at next year's Christmas parade committee meeting they will be sitting in the front row, eager to share their ideas of what they can do to make another fantastic day of entertainment for us, as a community to enjoy.

    Thanks for an enjoyable day out.

Cathy Fleming
