Sir, As a Christian in business I have had to learn to tolerate many things which do not conform to my beliefs but that doesn't mean I have to act like others. The Dragon did offended some people but others enjoy seeing it as something different and were unaware of the religious connotations until it was pointed out in last week's Letters to the Editor. The Parade has changed over the past few years and now offers four hours of free family entertainment. Not everyone will be happy with what is provided. Whilst working on the Parade committee I met many sponsors who supported it for many reasons but the majority did so to profile Scottsdale and provide a family day of fun. For those three years I approached the minister regarding a Christian float, offering to help with expenses so an appropriate message could be represented, but they declined due to lack of time. The void was filled by a youth group, the guides and a private family. Perhaps that is why the three or four remaining hard working committee now don't ask. I am guilty of entering a non-Christian float. I am guilty of being lectured each year for doing so. I am also guilty of watching the joy on the children's faces when they recognise a familiar character passing by. I employ 32 staff and the Cottage Bakery invested $4,000 in the Parade - covering wages, various sponsorships, advertising, entertaining activities and our float. I did so because I believe in this town and its people and what they have to offer. I also thank you for supporting the bakery during the year. There is an old saying - if you can't beat them, join them. Don't knock us for trying to please everyone, join us and walk proudly on the day with your Christian message of faith, hope, love, and joy of our saviour's birth held high. I'll be happy to help with costs. I do not like adapting to all the changes and I pine for the good old days when on Christmas Eve we met on the church lawn for cards and Santa hit town on the fire truck. Alas time moves on. |