金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 資 訊 網 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 世 界 總 部 在 澳 洲 泰 磉 牟 尼 亞 州 動 向 ( 選 載 )

聖 密 宗 金 剛 禪 佛 教 世 界 總 部 應 邀 赴 塔 州 北 部 弘 法

2 0 0 41 28 日 第 三 版


    Members of the Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism group from Hobart visited the North-East last week to assist in the celebration of the announcement of a business development study into the Trail of the Tin Dragon project, and to allow its famous, multi-coloured dragon to be photographed.

    The group also accepted an invitation from organisers to participate in the Dorset Rotary Christmas Parade on Saturday.

    On Friday, accompanied by Dorset Mayor Peter Partridge, Yvonne Thorne (Dorset Councillor), Peter Fish (editor of the North-Eastern Advertiser), Lyndy Heazlewood (Cool Climate Tours) and Eileen Edwards (Dorset Tourism Board), the Buddhist group visited the Chinese Memorial at Moorina, the Derby township, and a number of locations at Branxholm.

    At Scottsdale on Thursday in front of Primary School students and a number of interested onlookers, the Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism group exhibited its colourful dragon in a traditional Chinese ceremony and assisted by representatives of the Federal, State and Local Government the eyes of the dragon were dotted.

    This ceremony was repeated on Saturday at the Christmas Parade.

    At Moorina, the Buddhist monks and nuns completed a ritual in honour of the Chinese buried in the ceremony, and were particularly interested in a Chinese exhibition at the Bankhouse Manor, and the Chinese influence being highlighted at Branxholm.

    The dragon and the athletic lions made a colourful and popular addition to Saturday's parade, and Dorset Mayor Peter Partridge thanked the group for its generosity and support of the Trail of the Tin Dragon project.

    Elder Guru Vajra Yong Ming said the dragon dance symbolised peace, stability and prosperity, and that he and his group felt privileged to be made feel so welcome.

