金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 資 訊 網 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 世 界 總 部 在 澳 洲 泰 磉 牟 尼 亞 州 動 向 ( 選 載 )

聖 密 宗 金 剛 禪 佛 教 世 界 總 部 應 邀 赴 塔 州 北 部 弘 法

2 0 0 41 22 日 至 2 0 0 41 25


2 0 0 41 28 日 頭 版


    One of the largest crowds in recent years congregated in King Street to watch the varied entertainment and parade which was highlighted by a Chinese Dragon and dancing lions provided by the 30 members of the Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism group from Hobart.


    The NESM Hospital entry was adjudged the winning float. The Dragon was runner-up and the group immediately donated their cash prize back to Dorset Mayor Peter Partridge and asked him to pass it on to a local worthy cause. The imaginative Shrek float was third, with the Bridport Primary School entry placed fourth.


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