金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 世 界 总 部 在 澳 洲 泰 磉 牟 尼 亚 州 动 向 ( 选 载 )

圣 密 宗 金 刚 禅 佛 教 世 界 总 部 应 邀 赴 塔 州 北 部 弘 法

2 0 0 41 22 日 至 2 0 0 41 25


转 摘 自 《 THE EXAMINER2 0 0 41 23 日 第 五 版



    Yesterday's announcement was marked with a performance of the dragon dance by members of the Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism group from Hobart.

    Their 22m dragon also featured in an eye-dotting ceremony performed by Cr Partridge and representatives of the State and Federal governments.

    Elder Guru Vajra Yong Ming said that eye-dotting was a "most auspicious occasion" that would be performed by a country's leader in places like Singapore  ……

    "The mighty dragon can create havoc as it flies around blind," Mr Ming said.

    "Dotting the dragon's eyes gives it sight and light and brings auspiciousness on the place where it has been blessed."

    The dragon will take pride of place at Scottsdale's annual Rotary Christmas Parade tomorrow.


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