Silent Dharma Dissemination

          According to the revelation of Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master:

          Buddhism belongs to sentient beings.  The Buddha of two thousand years ago already instructed that Mahayana practitioners, to broadly deliver and save sentient beings, should practise among the people and in the cities.

          Holy Vimalakirti, the Holy Tantra ancestral master of this bhadra-garbha (virtuous space-time dimension), was the role model who disseminated Dharma among the people when the Buddha was still living, over two thousand years ago.

          The extensive dissemination of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism in the twenty first century, promoting unification of the world's religions, and sharing Dharma joy with Christians, would definitely bring joy to our Patron Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, Holy Tantra Akasagarbha ancestral master Rahula Buddha, and current Bhadra-garbha ancestral master Jin Su Tathagata Immaculate Name Living Buddha Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti, who would certainly exclaim at the apex of the universe:


          Our parade this time has followed the Buddha's principle of "spring drizzles moisten everything silently".  This effective silent Dharma dissemination has shared peace, harmony, joy and happiness with the Tasmanian people; and it has brought Holy Tantra Buddha light to extensively illuminate the entire Tasmania, as well as to sentient beings of the whole world.

          However, with respect to paving the way for future generations to carry on the ideals of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism, this was merely a beginning.  History has taught us that the responsibilities are heavy and the journey is long.

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