The Master of Ceremony Elder Guru Vajra Yong Ming guided and Chief Supervisor Elder Guru Vajra Yong Le assisted the honoured guests to help the dragon by painting dots on its eyes, to replace its blindness with sight. When the dragon regained its sight after eye dotting, it immediately became "alive". At that moment, the dragon pearl entered the stage. The "dragon pearl holder" responsible for taming the dragon was Senior Guru Vajra Long Sheng, a senior guru with nearly thirty years of practice of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism. When the golden dragon saw the dragon pearl, it immediately chased the dragon pearl, wishing to swallow the pearl in one gulp. Whereas the dragon tamer, using the dragon's greed, applied greed to subdue greed, guided the dragon with the pearl, and started wielding the dragon pearl. Thereafter, this golden dragon was seen dancing and chasing closely after the dragon pearl. All the attended honoured guests and spectators appreciated and applauded excitedly to express their feelings. . . . Chairperson Elder Guru Vajra Hui Lan announced: "I announce that the eye dotting ceremony is completed in perfection."