First in Tasmania

          For Tasmania, a dragon dance in the year of the dragon appeared in the first Christmas Pageant of the twenty first century.

          This dragon dance could well be:

          The first Buddhist group to participate at a Christmas Pageant in Tasmanian history;

          the first dragon dance performance in Tasmanian history; and

          the first time in Tasmanian history to have Holy Tantra practitioners to perform silent Dharma dissemination publicly in the form of participating in a parade joined by the whole of Hobart.

          This was also perhaps the first time in Tasmanian history to see Buddhist representatives from countries around the world to arrive in Hobart to celebrate the holy birth of Jesus Christ.  Even more of them were standing among the local citizens as spectators.

          Except for the police and city council vehicles to clear the way at the front, the dragon dance team of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism led the parade as the first group among seventy teams of community parade participants.  The entire pageant lasted from ten in the morning to twelve noon; and the government also arranged the first half hour for Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism for the ceremony of dotting the eyes of the golden dragon.

          In such arrangement we can see the authorities' friendly and kind impression towards the participation of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism's dragon dance team in the pageant.

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Spirit of Dharma Dissemination