Mysterious Power

          The totems of all recognized ancient civilizations have great mysterious powers; and they have been worshiped by various people all over the world.  Whereas the totem of China differs from the totems of other ancient civilizations of the world.

          Most totems of the world are represented by the simplest graphic images.

          The totems of some peoples are merely a piece of tree leaf, a blade of grass, or a bird.  Slightly more complex ones may include a baby's head, a bird's wing, a bird's beak, a bird's claw, or a withered tree.  They symbolize deities of nature such as sky, earth, mountain, water, grass, wood, sun, or moon.

          Although primitive totems have been so simple and crude in their form when revealed to the people, all people of every ethnic group consider their own totem to carry infinite messages, and possess enormous mysterious powers.

          These mysterious powers are all supernatural and inconceivable.

          Ultimately speaking, the square shaped Chinese hieroglyphic writing can be considered as a totem in every character.  Therefore, wherever there is Chinese writing, all forms of Chinese totem are everywhere.  Chinese characters thus possess inconceivable mysterious power.

          Chinese dragon totem is especially supernatural and inconceivable.

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Spirit of the Universe