金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 資 訊 網 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net

R 反 省 報 告 之 一


We should follow Ahdharma Master's guidance


    For 28 years I took anti-inflammatory drug everyday.  Only on some occasions that I did not take them when I was trying to stop it but I failed.  Now after drinking the 大 悲 水 , my spine is no longer painful like before and therefore I do not need the medicine.

    師 父 I regret having bought the medicine before I realized the miraculous result of 大 悲 水 .  I deeply regret that I had placed the priority of the medicine before Dharma methods.  That was my foolishness.

    I drank the holy water two years ago when I visited L 上 師 but the holy water did not stop the spinal pain.  I recently realized that I had heavily contaminated myself while visiting friends and relatives all the time.

    This time I only did things I had to do and had my heart concentrated in Dharma matters.

    I realize that our mind and action must follow the teachings of 阿 達 爾 嘛 佛 師 尊 if we want to solve our problems and that of others.

Put me back into the right path
R 反 省 報 告 之 一 目 錄 頁
需 如 法 行
