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R 反 省 報 告 之 一

The effect of holy water

To: His Holiness 王 信 得 師 尊
Date: xx.xx.9x
From: 弟 子 R

頂 禮 阿 達 爾 嘛 佛 師 尊 ,

師 父 您 好 !

My Reflection

    After coming back home from X X , I have been reflecting on what I did wrong whenever I have the chance.  I am not a person with much intelligence or wisdom.  Many a time I succumbed to demon tricks and did not realize them until after   師 父 prompted me or after some considerable time of discovery.  I am grateful to Your Holiness for taking the trouble and using Your extremely precious time to help me and my family to improve our knowledge and practice of Dharma despite the fact that   師 父 is always busy.

    On reflecting my stay in the home of K 上 師 , I found a jug of 大 悲 水 in the kitchen on my arrival.  I then drank half a glass of 大 悲 水 and repeated it a few more times during my stay until I drank all of it on the day I left.   Each time I drank I visualized   師 父 first and felt grateful for letting me a chance to drink the holy water.  I am also grateful to K 上 師 for her thoughtfulness in leaving a jug of holy water in the kitchen within my sight.

    To buy medicine for my spine problem was originally my intention.   Therefore I bought sufficient quantity on xx.xx.9x for myself to take one capsule a day for the next 24 months or so.  However, something amazing took place.  After drinking half the jug of holy water my spine did not seem to be painful like before and in fact I was in a situation better than after taking the medicine.

I merely felt grateful
R 反 省 報 告 之 一 目 錄 頁
聖 水 效 應