特刊(六)﹒佛年历2568浴佛圣典法会 | 金刚永乐长老做圣法狮子吼
感恩 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 师尊再次仁慈地赐予我们能够庆贺 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖的圣诞,让我们能再次踏上成佛之道。
两千多年前, 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖亲自示范了离苦得乐的实际方法,使每一个人都能够获得永恒的解脱。
感恩 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖!
感恩 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 师尊!
Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony Dharma Meeting Buddhist Calendar 2568 - Holy Dharma Lion Roar performed by Elder Guru Vajra Yong Le
【Audience applaud enthusiastically】
Dear friends,
Thank you Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master for another kind bestowment for us to celebrate the Holy birthday of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha, so that we can once again stride on the path to Buddhahood.
More than 2000 years ago, the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha personally demonstrated the physical way to distance from suffering and achieve happiness, so that everyone can attain eternal liberation.
Thank you the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha!
Thank you Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master!
Thank you all!
【Audience applaud enthusiastically】
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