系列报导(中英文版)| 神圣空行大法不可辱(二)
The Holy Sunya Voyager Great Dharma Should Not Be Desecrated
(二)空行大法源自 大圣 佛祖
2. The Sunya voyager great Dharma comes from the Great Holy Buddha
This news story, published on 18 December 1987, records that Elder Guru Vajra Fa Sheng, who was eight years old at the time, “demonstrated the 'Sunya Voyager Great Dharma'” “yesterday at the Shenzhen Hall,” “Suddenly levitating up in the air to a height of about 30 centimetres above the stage, leaving the audience jaw-droppingly stunned and amazed.” At the end, it is stated that in Elder Guru Fa Sheng’s previous performances, her best record was 1.06 metres, and this spectacle of the human body's vital activity was captured on camera.
空行大法是由 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖创建,由三大层次组成,每层各有五部,总概以清净、无我、调伏、精进的内心心理结构为依托。上世纪八十年代的作者,虽然在当时的气功热潮中,以当时代人的理解,使用了「气功」一词,但奇妙的是,此文对空行大法的介绍多为佛教用语,比如「空行大法」、空行大法三阶段的成就分别为:「空行母」「神通师」「即身佛」;包括其中讲到「身心出现超意识境界」「金刚禅冶炼者产生〝宇宙意识〞,人就可以空行了。」都充分证明当年的 薄伽梵 师尊遵循和调伏于 圣宗教导,方便入世弘法,广结善缘,但虽然方便,弘扬的仍然是清净无我的中国汉传密宗,并在 张主任和 钱老师的指导下,在尽量使用现代语言诠解人与宇宙是一个不连续整体的华严理念
The Sunya voyager great Dharma was created by the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha, and consists of three major levels, each with five sections, based on the inner psychological structure of purity, selflessness, compliance, and diligent progress. Although the author in the 1980s used the term “Qigong” according to the understanding of the contemporaries in the context of the Qigong craze of that time, what is wonderful is that the introduction of the Sunya voyager great Dharma in this article is mostly in Buddhist terms, for example, “the Sunya voyager great Dharma,” and the achievements of the three stages of the Sunya voyager great Dharma are: “Dakini”, “Abhijñā Master” and “Jishen Buddha”; including the words “the mind and body appear in the realm of superconsciousness” and “The Jin-Gang-Dhyana practitioner generates 'cosmic consciousness', and one is able to perform the Sunya voyager.” All these fully prove that the Bhagavan Master followed and obeyed the teachings of the Holy Patriarch, conveniently propagate the Dharma in the world, and established holy conditions with sentient beings. Although conveniently, what he propagated was still the pure and selfless Chinese Han Transmission Esoteric Buddhism, and under the guidance of Director Zhang and Teacher Qian, he tried to use the modern language to interpret the Huayan concept that human beings and the universe are a non-connected whole.
文章还介绍了空行大法三个层次的显态示现:「第一阶段的腾空特点是快起快落;第二阶段的腾空特点是慢起慢落;到了第三阶段即可自由飞翔。」并说「目前,金刚法圣长老的空行功力已达到第二阶段」,「这天表演的是第一阶段」,而在将要来到的气功表演交流大会期间, 师尊和金刚法圣长老「将争取成功地表演腾空的第二阶段」,空行大法「第二阶段为〝悬浮阶段〞」「腾空特点是慢起慢落」。
The article also describes the three levels of manifestation of The Sunya voyager great Dharma: “In the first stage, the Sunya voyager is characterized by a quick rise and fall; in the second stage, it is characterized by a slow rise and fall; and in the third stage, it is possible to fly freely.” and that “at present” Elder Guru Vajra Fa Sheng's “Sunya voyager power has reached the second stage”, while “this day's performance is the first stage.” During the upcoming Qigong Performance and Exchange Conference, Master and Elder Guru Fa Sheng “will strive to successfully perform the second phase of the Sunya voyager”, and “the second phase of The Sunya voyager great Dharma is the 'levitation stage'”, “which is characterized by a slow rise and a slow fall.”
Last updated: Copyright © 1991- Jin-Gang-Dhyana Incorporated