



一 、慈善音乐会的开始,司仪 金刚佛护转世者上台致辞:

MC Bunfu Yu:

司仪 金刚佛护转世者:

Good afternoon everyone!


Thank you for coming to today’s charity piano concert held by Sheng-Yuan Lynch. And thank you for, I guess, taking it out of your time from your weekend endeavours to come along, to have a good listen to what would be one hour of really good classical music.


First of all, I’d like to pay my respects to the traditional owners of this land upon which we are here today, the Moheener people as well as the continuing custodians of those past, present and future.

首先,我要向我们今天在这里的这片土地的传统所有者、Moheener 人以及过去、现在和未来的持续守护者表示敬意。

I don’t think Sheng-Yuan really needs much introduction, so today he will be playing music from Franz Liszt, he will be raising funds for Cancer Council Tasmania. And I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the representatives from Cancer Council Tasmania today with us today, Penny Egan who is the Chief Executive Officer; Jill Bannon who is the Director, Engagement & Fundraising for Cancer Council Tasmania; Shan Deng who is Sheng-Yuan’s teacher, she’s also Senior Lecturer of classical music at the University of Tasmania; as well as Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master who everyone knows is Sheng-Yuan’s spiritual guiding teacher, He is also the President of the Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia.

我想圣源不需要更多的介绍了,所以今天他将会演奏Franz Liszt 弗朗茨﹒李斯特的音乐,他将为塔斯马尼亚癌症委员会筹集资金。我想藉此机会感谢今天与我们在一起的来自塔斯马尼亚癌症委员会的代表Penny Egan 佩妮﹒伊根,她是首席执行官;Jill Bannon 吉尔﹒班农,她是塔斯马尼亚癌症委员会的参与和筹款总监;Deng Shan ,她是圣源的老师, 同时也是塔斯马尼亚大学古典音乐系的高级讲师;以及大家都知道的圣源的灵性导师, 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 师尊,祂也是塔州中国佛教学院的院长。

Without much further ado, I’d like to welcome Sheng-Yuan Lynch to the stage. Thank you!








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