




轉自 薄伽梵 智及維摩詰 宗師微信朋友圈:

頂禮 薄伽梵 智及維摩詰 師尊

頂禮 歷代聖祖師佛

弟子感謝 薄伽梵 智及維摩詰 師尊慈悲恩賜弟子積功德,弟子願把所有功德迴向所有眾生

敬愛的 薄伽梵 師尊


弟子跪呈:金剛永誠六世為第十三屆學術研討會所寫的論文,祈求 師尊慈悲聖鑑。


弟子再次感謝 薄伽梵 師尊慈悲加持!

跪叩 聖安!


金剛禪慧 敬叩



Discuss in depth the philosophical inspiration and consideration for mankind brought upon by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a chance for all sentient beings to reflect on their doings of the past and for everyone to link hands (jointly and globally throughout the world) and have a chance to change, whilst standing up to COVID-19.

The karmic link between people that caused the COVID-19 was not only because human and human are a non-connected whole entity, human and animals are a non-connected whole entity, but because the negative karma that humans have committed is too much.

In the Dragon Discourse, Bhagavan Patriarch Master revealed that COVID-19 is a warning from the universe to us humans of the earth, and that we need to heed this warning and join/link hands together and stop committing negative karma.

Bhagavan Patriarch master also revealed that if us humans don't realize this urgent message from the COVID-19 and change, then the Universes' warning will only become more severe and urgent.

So in the Dragon Discourse, Bhagavan Patriarch Master revealed to us disciples that, if we stop committing karma and take this warning (COVID-19) seriously and realize our mistakes, then, only by this way that we humans can save ourselves.

So this disciple thinks that we should not be blaming others for the cause of COVID-19 (as it's shared karma that caused COVID-19 as Bhagavan Patriarch Master revealed), but start to work together, link hands globally and really change for the benefits of all other sentient beings.



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