

2565浴佛圣典精彩回放(二)续】世界佛教青年僧伽会秘书长最尊贵的阿努如达大长老于庆祝 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖2565圣诞浴佛圣典上的致辞(全文)


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庆祝 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖2565圣诞浴佛圣典致辞(全文)

最尊贵的世界佛教青年僧伽会会长、金刚禅佛教的灵性领袖, 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 大长老:

很荣幸参与今天的佛诞圣典。我们非常感谢 师尊继续开展世界性的弘法工作。


我们南传佛教把传统纪念 佛陀诞生、成道和涅槃的节日称为〝卫塞节〞。塔州圣密宗古梵密金刚禅佛教每年都在此时举行浴佛圣典。我曾数次参加此圣典,但很可惜,由于全球旅游限制的原因,我们今年不能亲身到塔州出席此圣会。



我要特别感谢最尊贵的 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 大长老。祝您法体康安,法事圆满,圣法广弘。

我也希望所有金刚禅佛教僧伽和金刚禅的支持者继续协助最尊贵的 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 师尊。祂在全世界积极从事许多社会、宗教和人道工作。





Speech by Most Venerable Anuruddha Maha Thero,
Secretary General of World Buddhist Sangha Youth
At the Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony Celebrating the
2565th Holy Birthday of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha
Held by the Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia via Zoom

Most Venerable Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Maha Thero, the president of WBSY and spiritual leader of Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism,

I would like to join the Buddha Birthday Ceremony today. We really appreciate the Master continuing with this Dharma propagation work around the world.

We wish to have a safe life for everyone in the world. We face a big problem around the world at the moment, with Coronavirus.

Especially we call this day the Vesak Day, Buddha birth, enlightenment and parinirvana day. This ceremony continues in Tasmania every year on the same day. I have joined a few times this ceremony, but unfortunately, we cannot join this year, we cannot travel around the world.

I would like to have peace, harmony and compassion in this world.

Buddha, Dharma,Sangha protect all human beings.

Especially, I would like to thank you, Most Venerable Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Maha Thero, get good health, successful Dharma work and Dharma propagation.

Also, I wish all the Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism Sangha members and members who support Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism, please continue to assist Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Master. He is a dynamic person in the world. He is doing a lot of social, religious and human works around the world.

I wish all of you good health and success in your Dharma work.

Happy Vesak Day!

Thank you.



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